Sunday, July 12, 2009


My internship had their event that they've been planning for a while. I was the backup dancer. The event went well, got to network with some people. Afterwards i got to see LITA2U again. While I was waiting for her, I went to a Rasta store. I said "Do you guys have African Pearls?" BIG MISTAKE he made sure to tell me don't ever say guy to a rasta- that means you are calling them gay. I said " In the U.S, we don't say guy in a sexuality manner." but after wards he was talking about me calling me a princess/emperess-in a non creepish way. He gave me free shea butter ( my np beauties know about this)

After I left the store, I saw a guy pickpocket another guy, I was warning the victim but he didnt believe me, and the pickpocktor had the audacity to attemp to curse me out. Finally saw LITA2U, went to a park. while me and her was talking, this lady was walking by us without no pants-only had a shirt and undies. We knew she was going to use the bathroom, both of us hauled tail, next thing you know, "sprinklers" went off. I don't think she had all her marbels put 2gether. Last night in London ended with a bang!!!!

Packing is not joke :(

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